Association statues

The Danish Association of Art Centers, FKD, was established in late 1992, and currently comprises the following 18 art institutions: Brandts 13, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Fotografisk Center, Galleri Image, Gl. Holtegaard, KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad, Kunstforeningen GL STRAND, Kunsthal 44 Møen, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kunsthal Aarhus, Nikolaj Kunsthal, Overgaden, Munkeruphus, Copenhagen Contemporary, Sophienholm, Kunsthal Nord, Rønnebæksholm and Viborg Kunsthal.

As an organization, we act primarily as an interest group, and our agenda is to ensure qualitative audiencem encounters with contemporary art. The following are at the center of the Associations work: Emphasizing the importance of preserving and developing the art centre as a format and in doing so launching a comprehensive public relations initiative to increase visibility for this type of institution Continued establishment of innovative programs for audience development and user interaction The development of new initiatives within contemporary art for children and young people.

The Danish Association of Art Centers represent art centres interests and nominate candidates for various boards, committees and councils. The FKD is represented in:

The Danish Art Council
The Committee for Visual Art in Copenhagen

FKDs vedtæger af 2014 - vedtægter.pdf