Galleri Image

Gallery Image is a non-commercial exhibition spacefor photo-based art located in central Aarhus.
Galleri Image is founded on an ambition to show and spread interest in photography, video, performance
and art installation. Galleri Image has, since it’s creation, existed as an exceptional meeting place for art
photography and is an important part of the art scene in Aarhus.

Gallery Image was founded in 1977 by a group of Aarhus photo artists and photo art enthusiasts driven
by a common desire to have the photographic medium recognized as an art form on a par with drawing, painting and sculpture.

Gallery Image was Scandinavia's first exhibition space for photography, and was for several
years even the only one of its kind in Denmark.

Galleri Image show 7-8 exhibitions yearly with Danish and international artists that all have a shared
desire to present contemporary photography in new ways. In connection with each show there are activities and events that relate to the current exhibition. Furthermore Galleri Image has curated several international exhibitions in Asia, among others in China, Korea and India as well as in various European countries.

Galleri Image became a member of the Danish Association of Art Centers in 2014

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Photo: Mikkel Kaldal